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Big Maintenance, Nano IDs, Product List Cleanup & Hidden Categories

5 months ago

There's been a big (BIG) under-the-hood update that has been hanging out in the corner, reminding us of its presence every so often.  Unfortunately, in this world of software dev, there's often another small something that prevents the big something from getting done.  We finally decided to refactor the small something, so we could do the big something and get back to the fun somethings.   

Pretty much just what the title says.  There was a major version (11) that was released last month with lots of new goodies. We got the house in order and made the push. Feels good!

A new feature that we're building out will benefit from each BDP account having a unique ID that isn't tied to something that could potentially be changed, intentionally or accidentally. These unique IDs help beef up BDP's security and, frankly, who doesn't love looking at a random string of characters as part of your URLs?

This has been on the "we should fix that" list for awhile.  While some additional functionality will be coming to this page sometime soon, at least now each Product's status is clearly noted, and that info can be accessed on a phone as well.  Plus, we lit up a new icon that appears if a product uses our new "Published (Hidden)" status.

Like last release's "Hidden Products", we realized that "Hidden Categories" might actually be even MORE valuable. You can now run a promotion on a group of products (accessed by a QR code or other custom URL) and know that what you're sharing on those pages can't be discovered without access to your private link.